Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural non-invasive technique that uses thin stainless steel needles to encourage the natural healing process of the body. These needles increase blood flow and collagen production in the treated area, which brings out a natural healthy glow from within.
Cosmetic acupuncture and facial rejuvenation acupuncture helps treat fine lines and wrinkles, gently lifts and sculpts the face to achieve your natural glow. Can brighten complexion and improve skin tone. Promotes an overall feeling of calmness and relaxation.
In addition to rejuvenating the skin and face, Cosmetic acupuncture can put your mind in a calm and relaxed state. Patients generally leave with a feeling a complete bliss and relaxation. This is achieved by the relaxing of your face muscles, which cause a trickle effect and calms the entire body. A wonderful way to rejuvenate your body and mind at the same time.
Cosmetic acupuncture treatments last about 60 minutes. During the first treatment, medical history, skin concerns and expectations of treatment are discussed. We want you to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during the treatments. Massage beds are layered with tempur-pedic toppers and heat to encourage full body relaxation. Calming music and essential oils fill the room. Needles will be placed in the body to treat underlying health concerns as well as in the areas of concern on the face. Most patients fall asleep during their time on the table. Other facial rejuvenation techniques can be added to the service such as facial gua sha, facial cupping or a hydrojelly mask.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Cosmetic acupuncture increases blood flow to the face and stimulates collagen production to give the skin a natural glow. When the needles enter the skin they send a signal to your body to start its natural healing response.
Cosmetic acupuncture has very minimal risk especially when done by a licensed acupuncturist with the proper training. There is no down time with these treatments and your normal skin care routine can resume the same day. Cosmetic acupuncture is your holistic and all natural answer to your skin care needs as we do not use injections or chemicals.
A cosmetic acupuncture treatment plan is two treatments a week for five to eight weeks depending on your age and overall skincare goals. After the treatment plan is finished, we recommend one treatment every 4-6 weeks to help maintain the results. Just like regular acupuncture, these treatments are cumulative and build upon one another.
Cosmetic acupuncture is safe and non invasive but patients with migraines, high blood pressure or who are pregnant should avoid these treatments.
Cosmetic acupuncture a natural treatment with no side effects and almost completely painless. More sensitive areas in the face may have a small sensation such as a eye brow hair being plucked. Minor bruising may appear but will disappear on its own within a couple of days.
Acupuncture by Jana
Located in Manahawkin and Cream Ridge, New Jersey
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